DIET LIKE A DIETITIAN and Begin Seeing Changes in Your BODY & Overall LIFE that LASTS
I want you to know there's a better way. A better way than that old diet you keep turning back to. A better way than that restricting/overeating cycle you keep finding yourself in. A better way than that new diet that is bound to pop up. A better, LONG LASTING, FREEING way. I'd love to show you what that is.
Register Now!
Now is your time to ditch the diet, release your fear around food and body image once and for all, and begin reaching your goals by creating a truly healthy lifestyle through structured nutrition modules while slowly learning to listen to those internal cues and your own body.
Imagine a life where you:
  •      Are eating the foods you love and still reaching your goals 
  •      No longer experience guilt because of what you eat or how you look 
  •      Stopped yo-yoing between rigid food rules and out-of-control eating 
  •      Learn how to calculate your own needs and track for awareness - yet then transition to a freeing life without it that allows you to still stay on track 
  •      Learned how to discover and uproot the REAL problem behind these food preoccupations and the dieting mindset 
  •      Are totally free from the obsessive calorie counting, militant exercise, and the imprisoning "healthy" lifestyle you've been living 
  •      Knew how to set the RIGHT kind of goals, based on a new perspective of nutrition & healthy living   
What Happens After Joining?
Get started today and take back your health and get lasting results!

You’ll immediately receive a “Welcome” email with login information for our private membership site as well as details to begin your journey and become your OWN EXPERT so you can ditch the dieting and get results that last.

But don’t worry, this isn’t just an online course. We’re with you for life! After completing this program, you’ll have the option to join our exclusive FreshFitnHealthy Club - where you can access latest research, new (delicious) ways to stay on track, and the continued support you need to make this a lifestyle! 
What others are saying who used this EXACT process...
"I struggled with weight problems for over 30 years...I was constantly fatigued and didn't have the energy to workout after a long day of work... I was excited about Sarah's philosophy but scared because it went against everything the typical dieting world said... in 6 months I reached my goal of losing 30lbs, I no longer nod off at work, and I no longer worry about my weight..."
Sneak Peak of the Course
An in-depth look at the intuitive eating portion:
One thing this course is NOT: another short-term fix with instant results. 
In This Course You Will:
  •   Have access to 20+ video-based sessions on transformative health topics (see topics above) 
  •  Learn the proven method that works and the exact process I take my own 1-1 clients through 
  •  Discover the real root of what is holding you back, & how to overcome it 
  •  Be given the method for calculating customized macros to get you started in the right direction and adequately fueling your body 
  •  Be walked through the 10 intuitive eating principles & how to apply them to your life right now 
  •  Reframe the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from a healthy & free life 
  •  Gain a new perspective on what "normal eating" and "living healthy" really mean. 
  •  Learn how to rediscover your internal cues that you have been ignoring for so long 
  •  Be sent email prompts to help you stay on track 
  •  Discover the secret of not only transforming and reaching goals in your health, but in all areas of your life. 
  •  20 thought-provoking journal exercises & work sheets throughout the course with actionable steps 
  •  Have access to a private FB Group exlusively for course students, where you can connect with one another & find real support 
  •  Have access to bonus videos on topics commonly asked about 
  •  Gain lifetime access to the course materials 
  •  Receive encouragement and support from your coach, who has been there before & will share her steps of finding total freedom 
  •  Begin living a truly fresh, fit, and FREE life! 
Is this your typical intuitive eating course? 
Definitely not! This is a course that bridges the gap between tracking calories/macros for awareness and creating a solid nutrition foundation and intuitive eating -- taking you through the exact process I take my 1-1 clients through to get the results they want
How is this different from any Macro/Calorie Counting/Diet Program? 
COMPLETELY different. Not one way of eating works for everyone, and that is why this is an anti-cookie-cutter-diet program. I spent over a year developing and testing a customizable approach with 1-1 clients that gives you structure starting out to fuel your body adequately, yet then through empowering you and teaching you the effect food has on our bodies, transitions slowly into intuitive eatin through in depth modules...because everybody is different, and diets DON'T WORK (and calorie counting long term isn't fun either).
I currently have an eating disorder, is this for me?
This course is not meant to take the place of professional help that is required to treat an eating disorder. This course is not to be used as medical nutrition therapy. Eating disorders can make your hunger and fullness cues unreliable, and attempting to practice intuitive eating while in this state can actually make matters worse. This course does not provide the intensive 1-1 professional help that eating disorders require. Please wait to purchase this course until your eating disorder is in remission, and then ask your medical profesional/team whether the course is appropriate for you.  
Do I need to have any prior knowledge of intuitive eating?
Nope! The course helps you work through each of the principles of intuitive eating, along with so many other valuable principles for a healthy life, so you don't have to be familiar with them to begin. 
I've never been diagnosed with an eating disorder, but I think I have some form of disordered eating. Can I take the course?
Disordered eating is a spectrum, and many people have it to some degree. This course CAN be implemented for people who have disordered eating behaviors such as yo-yo dieting, occasional bingeing, and vacillating between restriction and overeating, without significant medical complications or high-risk behaviors. 
Will I lose weight with this course?
The tools within this course are meant to help you create a healthy lifestyle that is focused on routines and habits - and get you back to the healthy weight for YOU and your body. Many people lose weight when learning how to adequately fuel their bodies, creating a firm nutrition foundation, and rediscovering their internal cues and ditching the diet. Others maintain their weight yet see incredible results like renewed energy, better sleep, clothes fitting better, and not feeling deprived like in their dieting past. 
How long do I have to access this 5-module course with over 30 in depth video lessons + worksheets to go along with each?
A lifetime!
What if I can't afford the course?
 I'm not able to offer discounts to the course, since the cost is already far below market rate for the value provided.. Group programs and 1-1 consults range from $150 to hundreds per session, and most trendy diets from $300+.
What if I do not see any results?
Because I’m so convinced this will give you results — emotionally, mentally, physically — if you aren't satisfied, and have participated in the group/filled out all the assignments, let’s talk and I’ll be happy to give you your money back at the end of the 10th week.
If your question wasn't answered above, ask now by pressing the button below!
Course Value: $3,000+
  •     30+ Video Lessons in this Break Up with Dieting Course = $1500 
  •      20+ worksheets with actionable steps: $500 
  •      Other Bonuses - Ebooks: $100 
  •      50+ page Nutrition Guide: $50 
  •      Members Only Private FB Group: $500 
  •      Method for Customized Macros: $150  
  •      Intuitive Eating Guide + Challenge: $49 
  •      HW assignments & PDFs for Direction/Actionable Steps: $100 
  •      Extra Supplemental Videos on Topics/FAQs: $500
YOUR PRICE:  $497 $297
Because I am so convinced this course will give you results — you will feel emotionally and mentally better — that if you don't after the first 10 weeks of this course, let’s talk and I’ll be happy to give you your money back.
If you want to "get skinny" (for a short time), weight watchers is more for you. But if you want profound change that will break the chains of self-destructive thinking and behavior with food, meanwhile teaching you to be your own expert and getting results that last... click the link down below.
Say Goodbye to Frustrating Cycles, and Hello to DIETING LIKE A DIETITIAN.